Photographer research project 2

Robert Frank

  1.  Robert Frank was born on November 9, 1924 in Zurich, Switzerland and died on September 9, 2019 at the age of 94.
  2. Frank's style of work was mainly focused on portraits of people that was meant to send a message to the viewers. He also dabbled in documentaries and directed a couple himself.
  3. While looking at Frank's photographs I noticed outstanding detail in his subjects. You can see every wrinkle an crease on their face. He also used depth of field to bring out his subject and focus on them.
  4. Frank worked for many commercial and graphic design studios in Zurich, Geneva, and Basel. He eventually got hired by Alexey Brodovitch to take fashion photographs at Harper's Bazaar.
  5. Frank worked with many different cameras although the most common was his Leica III with a Nikon LTM lens. Frank, however, says the equipment is the least important component of a great photographer. 
  6. Robert Frank primarily used natural lighting for his photos. 
  7. Jakob Tuggener was Frank's biggest role model. 
  8. Frank published multiple books of his best photographs from around the world. 


  1. I know he didn't have a choice at the time but I really like the black and white look to the photographs. I like how he tells a story with one photograph. All the photos above made me make up a story of the subject. I also like the industrial look he gives his photos. The buildings are worn down and rusting and the people have a lot of texture, I really enjoy that style. I think my favorite picture of his is the man drinking out of the coffee cup for that reason exactly, I like all the texture and lighting on his face.
  2. I just randomly went through the like and selected a photographer because I don't want to learn about someone I already know, I'd rather learn about a new photographer to get more perspectives. 
  3. His work looks vintage and old (which is probably because it is old) and I like that style of photos. While his photos might not look mysterious they actually are vary mysterious because there are so many stories that could be derived from one of these photos. He does a great job at giving you just enough information to make the picture interesting, but not enough to make the story too boring and obvious. 


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